Legal Services

We offer expert legal advice covering a wide range of issues...

  • Conveyancing & Subdivision
  • Commercial Law
  • Succession Planning
  • Family Trusts
  • Wills and Power of Attorney
  • Elder Law
  • Matrimonial
  • Whether you are buying or selling your home, rural, or lifestyle property (as well as investment property or land), there’s a lot at stake. It’s vitally important to have sound legal advice throughout the conveyancing process. We can assist you with sale and purchase agreements, as well as leases, mortgages, subdivisions, cross-leases, and tenancy agreements - to ensure the process is stress free, and goes as smoothly as possible.

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  • We have extensive experience in all areas of business and commercial law - from business sales and acquisitions to business restructures, leasing, shareholder agreements, due diligence, financial structures, and solvency issues. We can ensure your business and your best interests, are well protected - providing expert advice that helps your business thrive.

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  • Whether it be the family farm or the family business, decisions about who (from the next generation) should receive or manage your most valuable asset, and how this is to be implemented, are fraught with difficulties. This is especially relevant in the Pukekohe and Franklin areas where land and businesses may have been in the family for generations. Our expert legal advice will ensure you create the structures needed to implement your succession plan, allowing you to achieve current and future goals. We can also help you through the steps needed to identify talented employees, and help craft a plan to develop them for the future - building strength within your business and/or family.

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  • We can offer you expert legal advice and create the necessary structure to plan, manage and protect your family’s assets based on your situation now, and into the future.

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  • We can guide you through the process of creating or changing your Will to ensure your assets and personal possessions will be distributed as per your instructions. We can also assist in clearly setting out your wishes regarding guardianship, gifts and legacies, funeral arrangements, and liabilities or debts - so that you have peace of mind that your family and loved ones are cared for, and that your Will can withstand legal scrutiny.

    Appointing an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) is also an important part of future planning. Who will care for you if you can’t care for yourself? Who will manage your property and finances if you can’t? Defining this now could save your loved ones enourmous complexities in the future.

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  • You may be ready to sell your house and move into a retirement village or managed care. We can ensure a “no hooks” settlement on your home, and also advise on the Occupation Right Agreement (ORA) you’ll be asked to sign for your new place. Units that allow capital gains are rare, and we can advise on those too. These ORA agreements are usually locked, but we can highlight potential issues, or suggest questions you should ask – especially around fees, and transitioning through different layers of care in the same facility.

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  • Separating or going through a divorce can be one of the most emotionally trying times of your life. We can empathetically help you resolve any legal issues arising from your change in relationship status, and ensure that the settlement is as fair and amicable as possible.

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